Hola, amigo! Vacation in Mexico, not all-inclusive

We just got back from our trip to Mexico, and as per tradition, I’m writing a post about how we spent our time there and how much it all cost. Why Mexico I’ve always had mixed feelings about choosing Mexico as a vacation destination. Most people go there for all-inclusive resorts, and we’re not really into that. A big part of our vacations is exploring nature, but I was always told that it’s unsafe to rent a car in Mexico and drive around on your own....

February 9, 2025 · 14 min · Natasha Katson

How am I - October

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted a “how am I” update. I’ll start by saying that the fall has arrived, in case you haven’t noticed. The leaves are yellow, and the mood is a bit grey. Though, fall is now much brighter than it used to be because Sam (our son) has his birthday in November. Aside from that, a pile of tasks and worries has come crashing down on me again....

October 5, 2024 · 7 min · Natasha Katson

Postpartum care in Canada

Hello everyone! I wrote this post about five months ago, but never got around to finishing and publishing it. The time has come! I’ll share my experience with postpartum care for both the child and the mother here. I didn’t know much about children at all, so I had a hard time imagining how to learn everything and where to get reliable information during those early days when you have no energy for anything (I don’t trust social media bloggers)....

August 21, 2024 · 9 min · Natasha Katson

We got Canadian PR!

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I last wrote, and that’s because having a little one at home makes maintaining a full-fledged blog quite difficult. Plus, there weren’t many updates to share. But today, I’m finally writing this post as a permanent resident of Canada! Yes, it finally happened—we got PR. I’m incredibly happy to write this post! Whee, just two more years and we can finally apply for citizenship....

June 15, 2024 · 7 min · Natasha Katson

How We Rented A Condo in Toronto

Today I’ll share my experience of looking for a condo (an apartment) in Toronto. A disclamer: I’ll refer to our condo as an apartment just because it sounds more familiar to me. While we have a temporary place till March 3, we have recently signed a lease to a new place, and we should get the keys on February 17. As a person who has recently moved here from Russia, I still feel that it’s all a fraud, but hopefully, this country is more civilized, and a signed lease gives you some guarantees....

February 3, 2021 · 18 min · Natasha Katson